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Managing The Candidate Experience

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The new landscape for candidate experience.

COVID-19 has rapidly changed the way organizations recruit and hire. There have been unexpected challenges, and still uncertainty ahead.

Much of what’s currently discussed in talent is reactive to the present situation. But now is the time that talent teams can set themselves up for success against the challenges they will face in three, six, or 12 months.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How the current environment has shifted recruiting processes
  • Why protecting your employer brand and managing the candidate experience remains vital
  • How top employers have adapted to the environment
  • What employers can do to manage the candidate experience now, and which changes are here to stay

You’ll walk away with immediate, actionable advice on what you can do now, and more long-term considerations for your team.

About Jess Eaton
Jess is the Talent Acquisition Lead for Probe Group. Her role involves overseeing high volume, entry-level recruitment across multiple sectors. She loves to challenge traditional recruitment methods and try new things with an emphasis on the candidate experience.

About Megan Midkiff
Megan has harvested a decade of Talent Acquisition experience, in both Corporate and Agency environments, and has been with TriNet for over 6 years. She’s well-versed in Talent Acquisition Enablement & Programs, as well as hands-on recruiting and fulfillment of Sales, HR, Marketing, Finance, Administrative, & IT functional roles.

About Sandi Unruh
Sandi is a Senior HR Consultant with Servus Credit Union and has a passion for the employee & candidate experience in all aspects of HR. She thrives on change and opportunity that enables candidates & employees to leverage their strengths in the workplace.

About Jen Shellef
At Vervoe, Jen enjoys connecting and helping customers reach their desired objectives. A real customer advocate, she makes sure to bring the humanity back into business and ensure our company’s mission is always aligned with customer needs. Jen is a critical touchpoint for customers looking to adapt and improve their hiring processes.

Managing the candidate experience 1
60 mins
Jess Eaton
Talent Acquisition Lead
Probe Group
Megan Midkiff
Sr Manager, Talent Advisory
Sandi Unruh
Servus Credit Union
Jen Shellef
Head of Customer Solutions

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