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Packed with awesome improvements to help you find great people faster.

We’ve built a new flow to help you go from novice assessment creator to a successful hire in 5 simple steps.



The first step in the assessment process, Create, lets you generate, edit, add or remove skills and questions to build your ideal assessment.

Assessments can be created using the builder which prompts you with relevant skills and questions or you can add your own. Or you can use a template from our library of 300+ verified tests.

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Invite and track Candidate progress

Send via email or use a quick link for your job ad, career page or social channel generated specifically to track candidates that apply using it. You can also add things like an intro or welcome video to showcase your company and edit the email or instructions for candidates.

Candidate Management

Invite helps you monitor candidate completion, extend deadlines and review source attribution.

This is also the place to set up your candidate experience which includes the welcome message they receive via email or link and the instruction note on their dashboard. You can further personalise by uploading a company video to help with engagement.

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Train your AI

The Optimize stage of an assessment helps you train the AI to value what you value through grading. You’ll be shown a few responses and asked to provide a grade from 1 – 10. This grade is fed back into the AI so it understands what good and bad answers look like to you.

Candidate Engagement

You’ll also be able to see where engagement might be low in your assessment. Questions with high candidate drop off will be highlighted for you to review.

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In the select stage candidate results come to life with scores, rank, trophies and top performer badges.

Visually this is the most powerful part of the interface. You can weigh the importance of skills or questions by adding or removing them using the Sort drop down. Doing this will also recalculate the scores of each candidate so you can narrow in on the attributes that are most important to you.

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Candidate Rankings

Candidates are ranked in order of their score and completion time
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Top Performer Badges

The top 5% receive a `top performer` badge highlighting their achievement
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Candidates that finish 1st, 2nd and 3rd for each skill will be awarded a 🏆
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Candidate Tags

Tags can be assigned to candidates to track offline stages, mark someone of interest or for follow up


The final stage of your assessment is Hire. Once you’ve found the perfect fit for your role mark them as `hired` in your assessment. Candidates marked as hired will be easily accessible along with their assessment, skill profile and results in the all candidates view.

Hired candidates will go on to be tracked in company level reporting.

The hired candidates responses scores and skills will all loop back into the AI to help it improve over time.

A short questionnaire can be completed in app to track the successful candidates journey once they commence. Candidates can be marked as hired from the Select stage of an assessment or when an assessment is deactivated.

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