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Resumes and Interviews Don’t Give You the Whole Picture

See how candidates perform the job, before they get the job with Vervoe's skill assessment tools.

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Make decisions based on what matters to you most.

Complete customization

Create custom assessments for any job, assisted by our intelligent builder. Combine technical and interpersonal skills in one assessment for a complete candidate evaluation.

Predict performance

Candidate responses are automatically graded for every assessment. Vervoe learns what’s most valuable to you, and identifies people with the skills to match.

Candidate Insights

Access insights on your assessment’s performance, candidate completion and sourcing effectiveness for a data-driven hiring process that’s unique to you.

How Vervoe works


Build your ideal assessment

Assessments can be created using the builder, write your own questions or choose from our bank of 300,000+, or you can use a template from our assessment library of 300+ verified tests. ​

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Invite and track candidate progress​

Easily invite candidates via email, or generate a quick link for your job ad, career page or social channel to track candidate source.


Optimize your assessment​

Train our AI to understand what good and bad answers look like for you so we’ll grade your candidates like you would.

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Select what really matters

Candidate results come to life with scores, rank, trophies and top performer badges, allowing you to unearth what’s most important to you.


Hire your hidden gem

Once you’ve found the perfect candidate for your role, mark them as “Hired.” Your successful candidate report cards are then easily accessible in your company overview.

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Your complete solution for skills testing

Technical skills icon

Immersive Questions

With 10 unique question types from code challenges to working spreadsheets to engage your candidates and place them inside real world scenarios.
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Content Library

Over 300 ready to use assessment templates for a variety of different roles plus a verified bank of 300,000+ questions to draw from to create your own.
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BYO Branding

Add your logo and corporate colours along with personalised intro videos and introduction notes for candidates.
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Easy Invites

Invite candidates to your assessment by email, or get them to apply by taking the assessment directly from your job ad, social post or careers page. Use an ATS? We have a growing suite of ready to use integrations.
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Complete Skill Profile

Results are displayed with overall scores and rank plus breakdowns of achievements for individual skills.Top performers are easy to spot with badges and trophies.
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Candidate Report Cards

Shareable candidate information scorecards that let you collaborate quickly with colleagues on your shortlist.


Frequently asked questions

During your free trial you’ll be able to create or preview as many assessments as you like. When it comes time to start testing your candidates you’ll need to pick one assessment to send them to.

Yes, your trial allows you to view the data from 50 candidates only.

You can send as many as you like however you will only be able to view the first 50 that respond. In order to unlock the rest you will need to move to one of our other plans. You can do this easily in Vervoe to instantly unlock the other candidates.

There’s no monthly cap on invitations however you can only view the responses from the first 50 candidates that respond.

Your trial is capped at 1 assessment however we offer a range of plans or can tailor something specific to suit your business needs that will enable you to assess as many candidates as you require.

Activate your free trial now and start assessing candidates based on what matters to you.