Weโre so excited to bring you the product updates for January, a recap of what we released in December. And, because the team has been working so hard behind the scenes, even more of whatโs coming soon!
Code challenge reimagined
In a couple of clicks, automatically generate boilerplate code for all supported programming languages (Nodejs, PHP, C++, Python3, Ruby, Go, C, C#, and Java) and create a code challenge in minutes. Our reimagined code challenge question type significantly reduces the time and effort to create a code challenge. Then, simply tab across to the test case builder which guides you through generating test cases in the exact same way. Even better, weโve improved the speed of running test cases too. Customers and free trial users can access all of this today at no additional cost.
Open and closed assessment view
Weโve updated the language of assessment statuses from Active/Inactive to Open/Closed (Active = Open, Inactive = Closed). Now, a more streamlined experience means you can now view open/closed statuses at a glance with assessment cards enhancements on the Vervoe home screen.
Text editing to welcome candidates
Enhance your candidate experience when a candidate is invited to an assessment via link/URL (not via direct email). Rich text editing (text and paragraph styling) is now supported on the first screen a candidate will hit. Use this section to recap your job description, acknowledge their interest, or even include a video introduction.
December recap and whatโs coming soon
- Customer Service Simulator – our most immersive assessment yet (released)
- SMS invites – drive assessment completions by reminding candidates via SMS (released)
- View completion stats at a glance with assessment cards enhancements on the Vervoe’s home screen (coming soon)
- Bulk sharing and anonymous grading when sharing to increase collaboration and speed to hire with (coming soon)
- The typing test to assess a candidate’s typing speed and accuracy (coming soon)
With so much to come, we canโt wait for you to check out Vervoe and see how to take your 2022 hiring goals to the next level. ๐ซ
Try Vervoe with a Free Trial or Book a Demo today.