Announcing Vervoe’s Zapier integration!
Vervoe now integrates with Zapier, meaning you can now connect it to 1,000 other web tools. With workflow automation tool Zapier, you can set up your own codeless integrations called “Zaps”. Zaps will automatically send information from one tool to another, so you’ll spend less time manually transferring data between your business tools and can dedicate more focus to creative, big picture tasks.
You can set up email, SMS, and Slack notifications for every time a candidate completes an assessment or a new candidate applies. You can even automate the creation of a Process Street Checklist whenever a candidate is hired.
Try Out Our Pre-Made Integrations
No matter what other apps you use, chances are Vervoe integrates with them via Zapier.
Check out some of the most popular integrations that Vervoe users already use to be more productive here.
How To Automate Vervoe with Zapier
1. Sign up for a Vervoe account, and make sure you have a Zapier account
2. Try some pre-made Vervoe integrations and learn more about how Vervoe works with Zapier
3. Check out our Vervoe help documentation for details on connecting your account and setting up your first Zap.
4. Or login and build a custom workflowwith Vervoe and Zapier
New to Zapier? It’s a tool that helps anyone connect apps and automate workflows – without any complicated code. Sign up to Zapier for free.