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How to get the most out of skills assessments in your hiring

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You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers

Skills assessments are an incredibly powerful tool that can improve the speed, efficiency, and fairness of your hiring process. They have the potential to ease the stress of hiring in high volumes, candidate short markets, and more. 

And they’re an effective tool for providing a great candidate experience, offering realistic job previews, and illuminating the abilities of applicants over the claims they’ve made on their CVs. 

But there are many elements that can impact the effectiveness of skills assessments in the hiring process. 

The platform you use to create and run them, the mix of question types you incorporate, and the placement of the assessment in your recruitment funnel all make a difference. And failing to balance these considerations can lead to a poor candidate experience, disappointing completions, and bad hires. 

That’s why we’ve rounded up our experts to create a short, fun, and interactive webinar that will work as a cheat sheet for getting the most out of your next skills assessment. 

In this packed half-hour, Vervoe’s Dom Hennequin is joined by Jennifer Shellef, Vervoe’s VP of Customer Success, and Stacie Garland, Vervoe’s Behavioral Science Lead to answer frequently asked questions about skills assessments, demo some solutions, and leave you with an actionable list of best practices to improve your chances of hiring the best people, every time.

30 mins
Jennifer Shellef
Jennifer Shellef
VP of Customer Success
Stacie Garland
Stacie Garland
Behavioral Science Lead
Dom Hennequin - Content Marketing Manager at Vervoe
Dom Hennequin
Content Marketing Manager

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