Chief Human Resources Officer
Complete with job descriptions, skill profiles, and interview templates. Use this Chief Human Resources Officer hiring guide to help you make the right decisions, fast.
HOW TO HIRE A Chief Human Resources Officer
What does a Chief Human Resources Officer do?
The Chief Human Resource Officer is responsible for developing and executing human resource strategy in support of the overall business plan and strategic direction of the organization, specifically in the areas of succession planning, talent management, change management, organizational and performance management, training and development, and compensation. The Chief Human Resource Officer provides strategic leadership by articulating HR needs and plans to the executive management team, shareholders and the board of directors.
Day to day tasks of a Chief Human Resources Officer
- Ensure HR plans align with the organization’s mission and business objectives
- Craft talent acquisition strategies to build strong pipelines for future hiring needs
- Formulate career development plans and promote inclusion in the workplace
- Ensure the organization’s hiring, onboarding and management procedures are effective for diverse groups
- Lead employer branding efforts (like recruitment marketing)
- Supervise HR Directors
- Evaluate training and development programs
- Develop and analyze HR tools and policies for all branches, countries, regions
Chief Human Resources Officer definition
A Chief Human Resource Officer is a corporate officer who oversees all aspects of human resource management and industrial relations policies, practices and operations for an organization.
Chief Human Resources Officer Hiring Process
Build the Ideal Candidate Profile
Write A Job Description Based On Skills
Selecting The Ideal Candidate
Interview Top Performers
Making An Offer
Build the ideal candidate profile
Skills needed for a Chief Human Resources Officer
A Chief Human Resource Officer must always keep the organization’s strategy in mind while being able to think critically to help improve the businesses HR process. As this role is people-centric, a Chief Human Resource Officer must also have top tier interpersonal skills.
- Critical Thinking
- Strategy
- Interpersonal Skills
Pro Tip
For a high-level role such as a Chief Human Resource Officer, it is vital that candidates bring confidence with them to interview. As they will be leading a department, the candidate must show that they have leadership skills.
How to write a Chief Human Resources Officer job description
Once you’ve determined the skills required for the role, you can write the job description to advertise for your position. Here’s what to include in your Chief Human Resources Officer job description:
Job Title: What position are you hiring for?
Summary: What makes your company unique? What would it be like to work for you?
Responsibilities: An overview of the role’s day-to-day activities, and how the position contributes to the organization
Requirements: Skills a candidate must have to perform the job successfully
Benefits: Details of compensation, benefits, and any perks on offer
Pro Tip
In building your candidate profile, remember you’ve already identified what skills are needed to succeed in the role. Here’s where to list your “must-have” skills and maybe a couple of “nice-to-have” skills. For example, a Chief Human Resource Officer must be able to interact and communicate with others on a genuine level. They should also have an established knowledge of Human Resources practices and procedures.
Sample skill tests for a Chief Human Resources Officer
Create a free account today to access the full assessment and more from our library
Question 1
Critical Thinking
Question Type: Audio
You are looking at new technology for an applicant tracking system for the recruitment team.
Talk us through your decision making process of identifying and selecting the right software.
Question 2
Question Type: Document
You have just started a new role in a business that has very few on-boarding processes in place which seems to be demotivating new hires and potentially attributing to the high attrition rates. In the document below, outline the on-boarding process you would create for the business.
Feel free to use our company or another business as an example and choose any role that you feel comfortable with.
Question 3
Interpersonal Skills
Question Type: Text
In this role, you will be responsible for delivering news that might not be accepted well by employees.
How do you communicate difficult conversations?
How to interview a Chief Human Resources Officer
Once your Vervoe skills assessment has surfaced the most qualified people for your open role, you can focus on interviewing these candidates. The interview should focus on any skills that require development that were highlighted from the skills assessment.
Now you know that candidates can do the job, the interview becomes more of a relationship building exercise where you can get to know the candidate on a more personal level, understand their motivations, and how they would fit in with the team.
Making An Offer
How much does it cost to hire a Chief Human Resources Officer?
The US average for a Chief Human Resource Officer is $256,400 according to, while the reported average salary on amounts to $151,200. Ninety percent of talent acquisition managers earn up to $382,100, with 75 percent receiving less than $322,200. The lowest paid ten percent is paid up to $158,600.
Chief Human Resources Officer Salary United States
Chief Human Resource Officer salaries in the United States range from $158,600 – $382,100 (USD). Chief Human Resource Officer salaries in the U.S vary a lot depending on the industry and the location.
Chief Human Resources Officer Salary United Kingdom
Chief Human Resource Officer salaries in the United Kingdom range from £29,000 – £97,000 (GBP). Chief Human Resource Officer salaries in the UK vary based on location and the amount of industry experience.
Source: Glassdoor
Chief Human Resources Officer Salary Australia
Chief Human Resource Officer salaries in Australia range from $170,300 – $450,100 (AUD). Chief Human Resource Officer salaries usually depend on the amount of industry experience and the industry itself.